
Attentions when writing JSX

These are the key points to pay attention to:

  • Double curly braces: In JSX, the outer braces signify a JavaScript expression, while the inner braces hold the actual style object, likestyle={{ ... }}. We'll go into details below.
  • Style property names: In JSX, CSS property names should use camelCase, such as backgroundColor instead of background-color.
  • String values: The values of CSS properties must be strings, like "#ff7fff".
  • Percentage values: For percentage-based values, such as fontSize: "108%", quotes are required around the value as well.

Attribute in JSX has double curly braces

In React or JSX, style={{ width: "600px", height: "940px" }} uses double curly braces for a specific reason:

The outer curly braces { ... } indicate a JavaScript expression, not a regular string. JSX syntax allows JavaScript expressions to be embedded within curly braces, making it possible to pass dynamic values. The inner curly braces { width: "600px", height: "940px" } represent a JavaScript object. The style attribute in React requires an object, where each style is a key-value pair. For example, width: "600px" sets the width to 600px. This is why the style attribute in JSX has double curly braces: the outer braces signify a JavaScript expression, while the inner braces hold the actual style object.

Let's see the comparison


<span style = "
background-color = #d3d3d3;
font-weight = bold;
font-size = 108%;


<span style = {{
backgroundColor: "#d3d3d3",
fontWeight: "bold",
fontSize: "108%",


https://ufirst.jp/memo/2021/09/reactでエラー「error-the-style-prop-expects-a-mapping-from-style-properties-to-values-not-a-string」/#google_vignette https://docusaurus.io/docs/markdown-features/react